“Merry Christmas?” What will that mean to the refugee from Syria or the international student from China?
Some Buddhists count Jesus as an enlightened Boddhisatva. Many secular individuals think he was a great teacher. Most Muslims consider him to be one of the greatest prophets.
It’s Christmas time and world over, millions are enjoying the lights, the shopping, the giving and getting of gifts. Some think of Santa Clause. Some think of Jesus. But what do they think about Him?
This is your chance to have a conversation with those around you who are not Christians. You can ask questions like, “What are your plans for the holidays? When you were growing up, did your family do anything special at Christmas time? We see lots of things about Santa Clause, but what have you heard about the birth of Jesus Christ, from who we get the word Christmas?
Ask God to give you a Christmas conversation. Click here for the story written especially for Buddhists and for Muslims. Or share it in a program with the Narrated Story of the Meaning of Christmas or the Narrated Story of the Birth of Jesus through Symbols and Signs
May it be a truly merry, joy-filled Christmas for your non-Christian friends. Remember you can share the story about Jesus in video form or from the Bible in over 2,000 languages organized at MLML.org.